Brazil Almonds

Brazilian Nut: A treasure from the heart of the Amazon jungle

Brazilian Nut is the fruit of a tree that grows in the Amazon rainforests and can reach up to 70 meters in height. These large and tall trees each produce up to 120 kilograms of product per year.

Appearance and cultivation of Brazilian Nut

The fruit of this tree has an appearance similar to a coconut and weighs up to 2.5 kilograms. Inside this fruit, 12 to 20 Brazilian nuts are arranged similarly to the segments of an orange. This product grows wild and is harvested from the forests. It is also cultivated in Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, and Venezuela. The Brazilian Nut is mostly found in regions with warm and humid climates and has a hard shell with a diameter of 10 to 15 centimeters.

Brazilian Nut Tree

The Brazilian Nut is the product of a tree called Bertholletia excelsa and has an approximate lifespan of 500 to 1000 years. This nut has a scent and taste similar to a walnut and is mostly consumed raw, but it can also be eaten roasted (in the oven or on the stove).

The most important areas of Brazilian almond cultivation are:

Brazilian Nut is one of the important agricultural products in certain parts of the world. This product requires a warm and humid climate and grows in fertile soils with proper drainage.

Producing Countries of Brazilian Nut

Brazil: The largest producer and exporter of Brazilian Nut in the world. The states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro are the main cultivation areas for this product in Brazil.

United States: The states of California, Florida, and Hawaii are major producers of Brazilian Nut in the USA.

India: The states of Goa, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu in southern India are suitable areas for the cultivation of this product.

Growth Conditions of Brazilian Nut

Brazilian Nut requires a warm and humid climate. The ideal temperature for its growth is between 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. This plant grows in fertile soils with proper drainage.

Brazilian Nut Tree

The Brazilian Nut tree is a large tree with a smooth, grey, and upright trunk, which is branchless up to the middle and has long and spreading branches at the top that can reach a diameter of 2 meters. The leaves of this tree are simple, serrated, and green in color, with a length of 25 to 35 centimeters and a width of 10 to 15 centimeters.

Fruit and Flowers of the Tree

In the spring season, small, beautiful, and light green flowers appear on the branches of the plant and eventually turn into fruit. These fruits are capsule-shaped and have a diameter of 10 to 15 centimeters. The outer skin of the fruit resembles the skin of a coconut and has a thickness of 4 to 5 centimeters. The fruits of the Brazilian Nut tree ripen 14 to 15 months after pollination.

How to plant and grow a Brazil nut tree

Planting Season for Brazilian Nut Tree:

The suitable time for planting this plant is spring.

Seed Requirement per square meter:

Since the planting distance for the Brazilian Nut tree seed is 1.5 to 3 meters, you can prepare the seeds accordingly.

Conditions for Planting Brazilian Nut Tree:

This plant is propagated through seeds. Before planting, you need to consider several points.

Soil: The suitable soil for planting and growing this plant is deep, fertile, and well-drained soil.

Water: This plant needs minimal irrigation and moist soil for growth.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for the growth of the Brazilian Nut tree is between 10 to 40 degrees Celsius, and it prefers the temperature of warm and humid regions for growth.

Light: The Brazilian Nut tree requires full sunlight and partial shade for growth.

Steps for Planting Seeds:

Soaking the Seeds: Soak the seeds in water for 24 to 48 hours, and repeat this every 8 hours. This process loosens the outer skin of the seed for germination.

Planting the Seeds: When you see signs of germination, remove the outer skin of the seed and plant them in a glass container with moist soil at a depth of 2 to 4 centimeters and water them.

Covering the Seeds: Then cover them with a thick cloth and after germination, transfer the seeds to an outdoor sunny environment.

Transplanting to Main Ground: When the seedlings reach a certain size, you can transplant them to the main ground and plant them in the soil at an appropriate distance.

Benefits of Brazilian almonds: a treasure trove of nutrients

Brazilian Nut has many benefits and advantages like many other nuts, which makes it very valuable for consumption. This type of nut is a rich source of proteins and vitamins that are very important and vital for the body. Consuming even a small amount of this nut can significantly contribute to the health of the body.

Nutrients and Minerals in Brazilian Nut

Brazilian Nuts are rich in selenium, zinc, iron, essential minerals, calcium, beneficial fats, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, fiber, and more, each playing a vital role in the body’s function.

Nutritional Information

  • Protein: 4.1 grams

  • Carbohydrates: 3.3 grams

  • Fat: 19 grams

  • Calories: 187

  • Energy: 99 calories

  • Selenium: 988% of daily intake

  • Copper: 55% of daily intake

  • Magnesium: 33% of daily intake

Minerals in Brazilian Nut

  • Magnesium: Essential for bone and muscle health.

  • Copper: Helps boost the immune system.

  • Zinc: Useful for wound healing and skin health.

  • Iron: Needed to prevent anemia.

  • Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones.

Vitamins in Brazilian Nut

  • Vitamin E: A powerful antioxidant beneficial for skin and hair health.

  • Vitamin B1: Necessary for metabolism and strengthening the nervous system.

  • Vitamin B2: Beneficial for boosting the immune system.

  • Vitamin B3: Helps with carbohydrate metabolism.

Benefits of Brazilian Nut

  • Rich in Selenium: Brazilian Nut contains large amounts of selenium, which is 2500 times higher than other nuts. Selenium is very beneficial for better immune system function, infertility, pregnancy, various infections, heart diseases, and more.

  • Impact on Thyroid: Selenium plays a significant role in thyroid hormone production. Consuming Brazilian Nut can help improve thyroid health and prevent hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer.

  • Impact on Heart: Brazilian Nut is full of heart-healthy fats, minerals, fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Reducing Inflammation: The antioxidants in Brazilian Nut help reduce inflammation and protect the body against damage caused by free radicals.

  • Brain Health: Brazilian Nut contains selenium and ellagic acid, which are very beneficial for brain function. These substances can help treat depression and improve mental performance.

  • Anti-Cancer: Due to its ellagic acid and selenium content, Brazilian Nut has anti-cancer properties and can reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Improving Mood and Reducing Depression: Consuming Brazilian Nut can increase serotonin levels, improve mood, and enhance sleep quality.

  • Protecting Skin and Hair: Brazilian Nut is a good source of Vitamin E, which improves skin and hair health and protects them from free radicals.

The effect of Brazilian almonds on weight loss: the secret of getting fit

Brazilian Nut is not only delicious and nutritious, but it can also be part of an effective weight loss diet. With its unique nutritional properties, this nut offers a healthy and natural way to achieve fitness.

High Volume and Low Calories

Brazilian Nut, with its high volume and low calories, creates a feeling of fullness and helps prevent overeating. Consuming this nut as a healthy snack can prevent sudden hunger pangs and help you maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

Rich in Fiber

This nut contains large amounts of fiber, which aids in better digestion and regulates blood sugar levels. Fiber also helps reduce cholesterol and improve heart health, all of which are beneficial for a weight loss diet.

Healthy Fatty Acids

The healthy fatty acids in Brazilian Nut, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, help improve the body’s metabolic functions. These healthy fats also help reduce inflammation in the body and support heart health.

Source of Plant-Based Protein

Brazilian Nut is a rich source of plant-based protein. Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles and maintaining energy levels. Consuming enough protein also helps reduce appetite and increase metabolism.

Natural Anti-Inflammatory

The anti-inflammatory properties of Brazilian Nut make it an excellent choice for anti-inflammatory diets. This property helps reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which can improve overall health and aid in weight loss.


One of the standout features of Brazilian Nut is that it is naturally gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals who are sensitive to gluten or follow a gluten-free diet.

Side effects of Brazilian almonds: the importance of moderate consumption

We all know that moderation in the consumption of any food is very important, and overconsumption can have adverse effects instead of benefits. Brazilian Nut is no exception, and it should be consumed in appropriate amounts to enjoy its benefits and avoid its side effects.

Calories and Weight Gain

Like many nuts, Brazilian Nut contains calories, and excessive consumption poses a risk of consuming too many calories, which can lead to weight gain.

Allergy Occurrence

Some nuts can cause allergies, and Brazilian Nut is one of them. Excessive consumption of this nut can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Selenium Poisoning

Consuming 5000 micrograms of selenium, which is found in 50 Brazilian Nut kernels, causes selenium poisoning with adverse consequences. This condition, known as selenosis, can cause respiratory problems, kidney failure, heart attack, dizziness, hair loss, nervous system problems, muscle sensitivity, and joint pain.

Risks of Excess Selenium

Excessive selenium intake can also increase the risk of prostate cancer and diabetes. Therefore, it is very important to limit the daily consumption of Brazilian Nut. According to doctors, consuming more than 13 Brazilian Nuts can pose risks related to selenium accumulation. It is recommended not to consume more than 3 Brazilian Nuts a day to stay within a safe range and still benefit from selenium.

Allergy to Brazilian Nut

There is also a type of allergy seen in nuts like cashews and tree nuts. Therefore, to prevent allergies, you should not consume large quantities of Brazilian Nut. If you have a history of allergies, definitely consult with your doctor.

Consumption During Pregnancy

There is no restriction on consuming Brazilian Nut during pregnancy, but it should be consumed in small amounts to avoid the risk of poisoning and allergies for both the mother and the child. Try mixing it with other healthy nuts like walnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts, which are safe to consume during pregnancy.

How to use Brazilian almonds: pleasure and health in every bite

Brazilian Nut is available in the market in raw, roasted, and flavored forms. Since these nuts contain high amounts of unsaturated fats, they may spoil quickly if constantly exposed to air, moisture, and sunlight.

Storing Brazilian Nut

To store Brazilian Nut for a long time, it is best to keep them in a sealed container in a cool and dry place or in the refrigerator.

Using Brazilian Nut

Snacks: Brazilian Nut can be consumed alone as a snack.

Salads: Chopped Brazilian Nut can be used as a topping on salads.

Chocolate Making: Brazilian Nut is also used in chocolate making.

Preparing Desserts: Brazilian Nut is used in preparing desserts such as fruit cakes.

Soups, Stews, and Dishes: Brazilian Nut can be added to various soup, stew, or dish recipes.

Brazilian Nut Oil: Brazilian Nut oil is used in preparing food or in salads.

Important points in buying Brazilian almonds

Brazilian Nut is considered a rare and expensive nut product. Therefore, when purchasing and using this product, it is important to consider key points to ensure its quality and freshness.

Condition of Nuts: The nuts you buy should not be crushed and must be completely whole. Broken pieces can indicate low quality.

Proper Packaging: Brazilian Nuts should be packaged in special containers that do not allow air to penetrate, to prevent them from spoiling quickly.

Appearance of Nuts: Do not choose nuts with a poor appearance for purchase, as they might be moldy or spoiled.

Quality and Weight: One of the signs of high-quality Brazilian Nuts is that they are completely brown and feel heavy in the hand.

Purchase Amount: Brazilian Nut is a product that quickly loses its quality and spoils, so it is better to buy it according to your needs and consumption, and avoid storing and buying it in large quantities.

Storing Nuts: If you have bought Brazilian Nuts with their shell, it is better to remove the outer shell for storage to prevent the nuts from decaying inside the shell over time.

The best place to store Brazilian Nuts is in a dark, dry, and cool location where no light or moisture can reach them.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a high-quality and fresh product during consumption and benefit from the unique properties of Brazilian Nuts.

The difference between Brazilian almonds and peanuts: from appearance to consumption

Brazilian Nut and peanut both belong to the nut family, but they differ in various aspects.

Appearance and Taste

Brazilian Nut:

  • Also known as Brazil nut or Brazilian chestnut.

  • Has a dark brown color and a sweet taste.

  • The nuts are wider and of a different size compared to peanuts.


  • Visually, this nut resembles the Brazilian Nut.

  • The nuts are smaller and rounder.

Consumption Method

Brazilian Nut:

  • Best consumed raw.

  • Mainly used for health and cosmetic purposes, with its oil being utilized in these fields.

  • Not usually mixed with other nuts and consumed separately.


  • Consumed raw, roasted, or boiled.

  • Usually mixed with other nuts or consumed alone.

Benefits and Uses

Brazilian Nut:

  • Considered one of the very beneficial and rare nuts in Iran.

  • Provides numerous health benefits.


  • Can be used as a snack or in the preparation of various foods and desserts.

Tips for Buying Brazilian Nut

One important point to consider about Brazilian Nut is its rarity, so you must ensure it is purchased from reliable sources.

How to prepare Brazilian almond sweets: unique pleasure and taste

After getting to know Brazilian Nut and its benefits, it’s time to share a delightful and relatively easy cookie recipe with you. Considering the importance of healthy ingredients, the calorie count of each component is also specified.


  • 150 grams of Brazilian Nuts (845 kcal)

  • 100 grams of whole flour (340 kcal)

  • 75 grams of sugar (300 kcal)

  • 1 egg (80 kcal)

  • 50 grams of softened butter (385 kcal)

  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (20 kcal)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sugar for decoration (5 kcal)

Instructions for Making Brazilian Nut Cookies

Soaking the Nuts:

  • Soak the Brazilian Nuts in water for 10 minutes and then strain them.

Mixing Nuts and Sugar:

  • Place the nuts along with sugar in a bowl and mix well to coat the nuts with sugar.

Adding Egg and Butter:

  • Mix the egg and butter together and add the vanilla extract.

Adding Flour:

  • Sift the flour and add it to the mixture.

Adding Nut and Sugar Mixture:

  • Add the nut and sugar mixture to the above ingredients and mix well until a smooth dough is obtained.

Shaping the Dough:

  • Form the dough into small balls and place them on a baking sheet.

Baking the Cookies:

  • Bake in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until cooked.

Final Decoration:

  • After cooling, roll the cookies in powdered sugar.

Total Calories per Cookie: Approximately 105 kcal

Final point

Atra Atlas Trading Company can assist with the export of this product from Brazil at all stages. For more information, you can contact this company.